Counting Our Veggies

Please join us as we focus on learning about and trying one vegetable each week.


Learning and Trying New Things in 2014

Well, 2014 has arrived. We don’t have any plans for moving to a different state or having any new babies this year. Whatever will we do with ourselves?

Lucie and I have two things we have talked about doing together in 2014. One is eating more vegetables and the other is learning more about blogs and computers. We decided that we could combine these learning experiences in a blog about vegetables.  Yes. I said blog about vegetables. That sounds so boring, now that I actually read what I just typed. I doubt that this will be as exciting as an episode of NCIS, but you might learn something fun about vegetables, find a new recipe or even chuckle a little.

We have invited Josie to join us. She has agreed to only take one bite of each vegetable. Theo is just saying no, but we hope to convince him to try a few bites.

Our Goals

  • We will focus on learning about and eating one vegetable each week for the whole year. The vegetable does not have to be new to us, but with 50 weeks left this year, many of them will be.
  • We will learn how to publish a coherent and not too embarrassing blog.
  • We will have fun doing these things together and improve our vegetable consumption.

And now, Lucie would like to say a few words…

“I am going to have fun! I am excited to learn about new vegetables. I want to learn new recipes. I might write some vegetable jokes if I can think of any.”

Thanks for visiting,
